~ A bit of joie de vivre, a comprehensive joy of life, with an occasional edge.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Solstice Day is coming...

Christmas is coming... but that's not all.

We know that in most places around the world, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th. Less known is that the Winter Solstice is coming to all who reside in the Northern hemisphere on December 22, at 06:08 Universal Time (GMT), and is celebrated by various cultures, both ancient and modern.

Double Big-O!But that's not all that's coming...

On Wednesday, Fox News reported that at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice, the world is advised to "get busy at the second annual Global Orgasm for World Peace," and further stating:

"Oui! Si! Da! Ja! Yes! Any way you scream it, one group hopes you'll be having an orgasm in the name of world peace this Friday at 6:08 GMT."

Their link showed that the Annual Global Orgasm for Peace will occur on December 22nd... just click on the link for all of the details, and you can follow their online countdown clock for the exact time as to when this will take place. They list their 3 reasons for the big Global-O as: 

  • Peace - works for me.  
  • Gender & Social Justice - would be glad share for that reason.  
  • Global Warming - wouldn't this contribute to global warming? They explain it all better than I'm willing to here, so check it out for yourselves. 

Second Annual Global Orgasm Day Global Orgasm was started by Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell, co-founders of the anti-war organization Baring Witness, a group of activists who get naked to make public peace displays with their usually nude bodies.

Referring to last year's event, Adrants noted that they had wondered where all of the long-lost hippies from the '60s had gone, but now they know.

Those in the Southern hemisphere have no reason to feel any jealousy, for according to Australia's Sidney Morning Herald, the Summer Solstice occurs Down Under on Friday at 5:08pm.

"More-gasm, not Wargasm!"
Their motto of the day? "More-gasm, not Wargasm!"

Wonder if a unified effort among the members of such social networking sites as Buzznet, Facebook and MySpace would help the cause...  


1 comment:

Heartsapocolypse said...

I for one will be doing my part to create world peace... Better go set my alarm clock so I don't forget...